Area: Approximately 240 acres
Location: City of Sacramento, Sacramento County, California
Date Acquired: 1998
Acquisition Type: CNLM holds a conservation easement to protect the imperiled species and their habitats on the preserve. The preserve is owned by Conservation Resources, LLC.
Key Habitats: Vernal Pool, California and Annual and Perennial Grassland
Species of Special Interest to CNLM: Vernal pool fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi), Burrowing owl (athene cunicularia) and Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swasoni) foraging habitat
The Arroyo Seco Preserve was established in 1998 as a mitigation bank to conserve vernal pools and associated upland habitats. The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) was granted conservation easements at this location between August 1998 and November 2000. CNLM monitors for easement and management plan compliance.
Conservation Significance
This Preserve is comprised of California annual and perennial grasslands, swales, and approximately 32 acres of vernal pools. The vernal pools provide habitat for the federally endangered vernal pool tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus packardi) and the federally threatened vernal pool fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi).
Our Work
This Arroyo Seco Preserve is owned and managed by Conservation Resources, LLC (El Dorado, CA), for more information contact Kari Hawkins at khawkins@conservation-resources.com. The goal for this Preserve is to protect the habitats and species that depend upon the preserve for survival. Cattle grazing is used as a management strategy to reduce thatch, control noxious weeds, reduce the risk of grassland fire, and enhance the vernal pool plant and invertebrate communities.
Public Access
Due to the vulnerability of the species and habitats that exist on this preserve, it is not open to the public.
For more information about Arroyo Seco Preserve or Center for Natural Lands Management, please contact Eric Olson, Preserve Manager at eolson@cnlm.org or 760.731.7790 extension 206