CNLM’s Board of Directors Expands

  |   2025

With the growth of CNLM’s portfolio of preserves across California, Washington, and Oregon, plans are being implemented for strategic growth in staff positions and our Board of Directors. At the December 2024 regular meeting of the Board, Directors elected two new individuals to CNLM’s governance level.

Jim Bartel has served in federal government in many capacities for over 35 years. He worked in the Sacramento Office of USFWS, helping to shape the habitat conservation planning program and draft the HCP handbook. Among other federal positions, Jim later served as the field supervisor for the USFWS Carlsbad office, retiring in 2014. An avid botanist, Jim is currently a research associate with the San Diego Botanic Garden, continuing his decades-long research of western cypresses.

Stephanie Parsons is the founder and owner of Creative Environment Group LLC, a company built on her expertise gained in environmental and regulatory compliance through key positions in a wide range of projects including the California High-speed Rail System, the Sites Reservoir Project, Delta Conveyance Project, and Sacramento County Department of Airports Terminal B Replacement and Modernization Program.

“Staff are delighted that Stephanie and Jim have joined our Board”, commented Co-Executive Director Deborah Rogers. “Their careers and conservation impact speak to their commitment to ‘doing conservation right’.”