CNLM is going … greener!

  |   2025

As a conservation organization, CNLM’s mission aims squarely at environmental protection, yet our land-based services in protecting endangered species and critical habitat involve the use of vehicles and equipment that produce a carbon footprint and gaseous toxic emissions. Although stewardship staff have discussed means of reducing those impacts, we were hindered in moving forward with transition to electric-powered vehicles and field equipment by lack of information about appropriate organization-scale options, the functionality of green replacements for professional use, and lack of funding for a pilot to provide that information.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Roger I. and Ruth B. MacFarlane Foundation, CNLM has recently been able to purchase two hybrid trucks and several electric line trimmers and chainsaws. Staff will compare their performance with that of gas-fueled vehicles and equipment in various conditions over the next year.

Noted CNLM Co-Executive Director and Director of Conservation Science and Stewardship, Deborah Rogers, “Not only will this pilot study directly reduce our carbon footprint immediately, but the information gained will allow CNLM to plan for a responsible transition to less dependence on fossil fuels while keeping our commitment to maintaining and protecting our conservation lands for the resident endangered species.”

“We are so grateful to the MacFarlane Foundation for valuing what we do and supporting our interests to not only have ‘green goals’ but ‘greener practices’”.