CNLM Awarded Grant to Study Endangered Species
The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) was recently awarded funds for a project to stabilize and improve a local population of a state and federal endangered species, palmate-bracted bird’s-beak (Chloropyron palmatum), on CNLM’s Alkali Grasslands Preserve (Preserve) and adjacent sites in Yolo County, California. CNLM holds a conservation easement over the Preserve and has perpetual management responsibilities. Historical habitat for the palmate-bracted bird’s-beak has been reduced severely by urban development and agriculture. The remaining populations are not only few, but are highly disjunct and require focused management. The project includes monitoring the local population to determine its status, conducting a regional hydrologic analysis to better understand hydrological influences, determining micro-habitat conditions, and providing management recommendations. CNLM staff met with Kenneth Loy and Doug Moore from West Yost Associates, one of the collaborators on the project, for a kickoff meeting on site on June 2, 2017. Surveys are expected to commence soon. CNLM’s Regional Preserve Manager, Cathy Little, and Director of Conservation Science and Stewardship, Deborah Rogers, are coauthors on the grant proposal and will manage the project.

Cathy discussing the project with Doug Moore (left) and Kenneth Loy (far right) of West Yost Associates.