Author: Romina Roque

CNLM Awarded Grant to Study Endangered Species

  |   2017

The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) was recently awarded funds for a project to stabilize and improve a local population of a state and federal endangered species, palmate-bracted bird’s-beak (Chloropyron palmatum), on CNLM’s Alkali Grasslands Preserve (Preserve) and adjacent sites in Yolo County, California....

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Mather Preserve – CNLM Stewardship and Splash Education

  |   2017

CNLM recently became the Preserve Manager of the Mather Preserve, an approximately 1,339-acre preserve owned by the County of Sacramento, protected and managed for its vernal pool habitat and listed species. CNLM is responsible for preserve stewardship including developing and implementing science-based practices for vegetation...

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National Private Land Conservation Conference

  |   2016

CNLM participated in the National Private Land Conservation Conference in Melbourne, Australia, November 24-25, 2016. Organized by the Australian Land Conservation Alliance (ALCA), this conference was a dynamic and effective forum for private landowners working to conserve Australia’s natural resources. CNLM’s Director of Conservation Science...

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Tricolored Blackbirds Advanced to Candidate Species

  |   2016

The number of tricolored blackbirds (Agelaius tricolor) has severely declined in recent decades and recently they received some protection from the California Fish and Game Commission. On December 10, 2015, tricolored blackbirds were advanced to a candidate species under the California Endangered Species Act. The...

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