Area: The CNLM Dana Point Preserve consists of 29.4 acres within the City of Dana Point and adjacent to the City of Dana Point Nature Interpretive Center.
Location: Dana Point, Orange County, CA
Date Acquired: 2005
Acquisition Type: Center for Natural Lands Management owns the preserve. We protect and manage species and habitats on the preserve in perpetuity.
Key Habitats: Coastal sage scrub; Coastal bluff scrub
Species of Special Interest to CNLM: Coastal California gnatcatcher, Pacific pocket mouse, California box-thorn, Cliff spurge, Prostrate spineflower
Protecting Public Access and Endangered Species.
Center for Natural Lands Management continues its commitment to protecting and restoring native and imperiled species and their habitats while providing public access to the Dana Point Preserve. Press Release, here.
Guidelines for public use of the trail may change based on current conditions or new information. They reflect interests in public safety and in protecting the sensitive onsite natural resources. For current trail guidelines, click here.
To view CNLM’s 2023 draft update to the Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan regarding public access, please click here.
CNLM acquired the 29.4 acre headlands promontory in December of 2005. This acquisition was due to a generous donation from the Harry and Grace Steele Foundation.
Conservation Significance
The CNLM Dana Point Preserve was created to protect the federally threatened Coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) and endangered Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris pacificus). The Pacific pocket mouse was thought to be extinct before it was rediscovered on the CNLM Dana Point Preserve in 1993. To date, the only other location where the Pacific pocket mouse has been found is within three different geographic areas on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. In addition, eight rare plant species have been documented on-site including California box-thorn (Lycium californicum), Cliff spurge (Euphorbia misera), and Prostrate spineflower (Chorizanthe procumbens).
Our Work
Our primary goals are focused on protecting habitat for the Pacific pocket mouse, Coastal California gnatcatcher, rare plant species, and other sensitive species that utilize coastal sage scrub and coastal bluff scrub. Due to the small size of the Dana Point Preserve, and its degree of isolation from similar habitats, CNLM monitors the rare and listed species and habitat on-site to identify threats, record population dynamics, and establish methods to alleviate problems that negatively impact the species. The most serious and current threat to the Preserve is illegal off-trail use that can destroy Pacific pocket mouse burrows, disturb nesting Coastal California gnatcatchers, and trample rare plants. Degradation of habitat by domestic dogs, cats, trash and non-native plants are also a significant threat.
Introducing Dana Point Preserve
View all videos or visit us on YouTube. For more information, please contact us at (760) 731-7790.
Our on-the-ground work includes: enforcement of off-trail use, conducting trail maintenance, monitoring sensitive plants and animals, and removing non-native and invasive vegetation that is detrimental to both coastal sage scrub and coastal bluff scrub habitats. We work with the City of Dana Point, volunteers, and others to accomplish these goals.
Photo credit of California Gnatcatcher: Dee Dee Gollwitzer
(All other photos by CNLM staff)
Public Access
The CNLM Dana Point Preserve is located adjacent to the City of Dana Point Nature Interpretive Center (NIC). A ½ mile public (non-looping) trail that follows along the top of the headlands promontory on the Dana Point Preserve is accessible from the parking lot at the NIC and the terminus of Dana Strand Road. This four-foot wide natural surface trail is currently open to the public 07:00 AM until sunset, daily (gates lock automatically at sunset). Walkers will experience 100-foot elevation changes, stairs in two sections and five overlooks with benches. The trail is designed for pedestrian use only—bicycles and pets/dogs (on or off-leash) are strictly prohibited. Baby strollers and wheelchairs are not currently recommended. The NIC is owned and managed by the City of Dana Point and is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday.
For information about Dana Point Preserve, volunteer opportunities, or Center for Natural Lands Management please contact Korie Merrill at 760.731.7790 x. 204 or by email at kmerrill@cnlm.org. For volunteer opportunities at the City of Dana Point Nature Interpretive Center please contact: Bernice Villanueva, City of Dana Point Natural Resource Protection Officer at bvillanueva@danapoint.org.