PAR Comparison




Platform/format FoxPro/cd; installed on each computer Quick Base; cloud-based access provided through a subscription with CNLM
Structure of information Section headings on tabs Section headings on tabs; information more logically arranged
PAR Report Printed to PDF; Each section begins on a new page; Some sections could be irrelevant (e.g., Bank, Phasing) and would print out as blank pages with titles only Printed to PDF; Sections are printed consecutively without page breaks (i.e., more economy with space)
Biological information Species selected from drop-down list originally obtained from NatureServe©; Species names may, as such, be obsolete; Habitat type had subjective description, limiting comparability among PARs PAR App user enters biological data (e.g., species names); selects natural communities from dropdown list based on CDWF Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CA) or WDNR Field Guide to Washington’s Ecological Systems (WA); For other states or contexts, user can enter custom natural community information directly
Iterative entries Data that were generated from other inputs (e.g., Research and Development Fund) had to be entered separately after the PAR was generated (e.g., 1% of endowment) The two funds (R&D and Legal) that are generated from percentage of endowment are calculated and inserted automatically into the I&C
Export function None. PAR report is the only output. Data tables can be exported to (csv) spreadsheets, in addition to PAR Report (pdf).